11d ago (edited) in 💬 General
Data Engineering from Scratch
Hi Guys, I’m Vamsi Madhav H from India. I’ve decided to transition from mobile development to the Data Engineering domain.
My goal is to work through a roadmap, build meaningful projects, and gain a solid understanding of entry level data engineering by the end of 2024.
I know upskilling while working can be challenging, so I’m looking for like-minded individuals who are also interested in this journey. We’ll start with the basics, like Python, and work on small projects to strengthen our understanding as we progress.
I’m also planning to have weekly sessions to discuss doubts and support each other. If anyone else is interested, feel free to join!
Here’s the roadmap I’ll be following: Data Engineering Roadmap
Discord ID: vamsimadhavh
Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/p5c8caZ7
I’ll be starting on September 9, 2024, and I’ll be sharing updates on my progress each month to stay accountable.
Wish me luck!
Edited by Chat GPT
Vamsi Madhav H
Data Engineering from Scratch
Data Alchemy
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