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8 contributions to Data Alchemy
Data Engineering from Scratch
Hi Guys, I’m Vamsi Madhav H from India. I’ve decided to transition from mobile development to the Data Engineering domain. My goal is to work through a roadmap, build meaningful projects, and gain a solid understanding of entry level data engineering by the end of 2024. I know upskilling while working can be challenging, so I’m looking for like-minded individuals who are also interested in this journey. We’ll start with the basics, like Python, and work on small projects to strengthen our understanding as we progress. I’m also planning to have weekly sessions to discuss doubts and support each other. If anyone else is interested, feel free to join! Here’s the roadmap I’ll be following: Data Engineering Roadmap Discord ID: vamsimadhavh Discord invite link: I’ll be starting on September 9, 2024, and I’ll be sharing updates on my progress each month to stay accountable. Wish me luck! Edited by Chat GPT
New comment 8d ago
0 likes • 11d
@Mufliat Oladotun Im referring to this course You can audit it for free, but you will not get any certs
0 likes • 11d
@Yash Dodwani Added the invite link of discord, do join if interested
Data Engineering VS Data Scientist
What are your thoughts about these 2 shining roles in the current market? I was suggested that DS without any full stack exp will basically reduce into Business Analyst and sorts DE is basically Software Engineering in the realm of Data and it requires more tools than knowledge in maths and stats, Now Im confused on what to focus on as the work done by both these roles are quite different but related they are in the form of a queue. Let me know your ideas , and do suggest any good roadmaps for DE
New comment Oct '23
4 likes • Oct '23
Thanks @Brandon Phillips will look into the git repo
3 likes • Oct '23
@Bastian Brand Yes, I found out that in most of the job roles they mention DS but want the Skills of DE also😅. As you mentioned in DE the cloud plays a important role so that is another whole new thing to work upon.
Degree vs self-taught
Just a simple question for those who are working in data science and ML: Is the degree worth it? I've been talking with many people, and the conclusion that I draw from the convos is that if you are not required to have a degree, university is useless. You can learn pretty much everything you'll need working in the field for 1-2 years. And everything you'll need is on the internet. You just need to have enough self discipline to stick to it. Am I right? Am I wrong? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
New comment Oct '23
4 likes • Oct '23
Hey, My Response is generic not related to a single domain. This Actually depends on your location. Here In India, we are required to have a degree so that u can show that u are eligible for company's to hire. The self taught route is not given much importance in india, if you are looking to become an employee. This is changing in the recent years but not there yet so we can ignore a degree. But there are indeed many great developer's without a degree but this is in the 1 in 10000 devs scenario.
Short Intro
Hi everyone, I am a full stack web developer from Germany with over 20 years of experience in this field. I am happy to join this AI forum and learn more about AI and its tools and how to use them in product development. I need AI in my case since the product that I am planning requires the ability to read and understand documents and to be able to run AI locally. I'm looking forward to sharing with other developers and learning from their experiences. btw. - is there anyone else from germany?
New comment Oct '23
2 likes • Oct '23
Hey Welcome Chris
Study Machine Learning in a systematical way
I want to study Machine Learning in a systematical way. I google resource of learning it and found many people mention the course from Andrew Ng, Machine Learning Specialization. Did anyone here try this course? How's it? Or do anyone got study guide to share? highly appreciated. Joe
New comment Oct '23
2 likes • Oct '23
@Joe Ng I wouldn't say that its outdated, as the fundamental concepts remain same. But the technologies used are old, not using the python(best recommended for this domain) so it means, u need to practice once again on python on how & which library's to use (might or might not be a good thing). While searching found this course assignments in python which could help,
1 like • Oct '23
@Joe Ng if it works for u then its awesome, was telling my opinion, do have this course in the pathway I have shared, will try it once again when i reach that section.
1-8 of 8
Vamsi Madhav H
7points to level up
Android Dev

Active 7d ago
Joined Sep 17, 2023
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