Optimal point for enrolling in Data Camp or similar
Hey! 👋
I'm new here. I already started progressing in the Codex Module and so far everything has gone smoothly. I'm loving the experience ♥️.
While researching I found that Data Camp offers 3 months free in collaboration with Github Edcuation.
Right now I'm at the 3rd year (out of 5) of a double major in math and physics. On my spare time I've been learning about data stuff since I discovered I really like this. I'm now experienced with statistics, linear algebra, multivariable calculus and more (🤓)... But not so much with the technical side of data.
(I know a little bit of R, MATLAB and Python, but I wouldn't say I'm advanced in any of those, intermediate at most: knowing how to do hypothesis testing and other stats stuff, implementing simple linear algorithms and so)
So what I'm asking is: Given that I can only study this on my free time, when should I try Data Camp courses or other things?
Right now I'm focused on Data Alchemy, and I'll try to level up quick and get to the nitty gritty of the learning materials.
Tudor Duca
Optimal point for enrolling in Data Camp or similar
Data Alchemy
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