Veterans Getting Fit AF
Private group
150 members
$29 /month
Attention Veterans🫡
It's time to look good, feel good, and do good!
Join our fitness community that's tailored specifically for veterans and their health.
Why Join?
🏋️ Expert Access: Gain further insights from the H2K podcast guests.
Value: $199
👨‍🏫 Weekly Webinars & AMA Sessions: Enhance your results with interactive learning at your own pace.
Value: $599
🍲 No-Fail Nutrition Plan: Learn how to lose weight without starving yourself.
Value: $297
💪 Lean Muscle Guide: Transform your body without the need to run.
Value: $29
🦍 BE.A.S.T. Body Blueprint: Unlock energy you never knew you had.
Value: $1,800
🦵Nimbleness Protocol: Reduce knee and back pain with proven methods.
Value: $97
Total Value: $3,021 <--- Join us for FREE while the door is open and bring your friends!
Work at your own pace. Learn as a team.
Transform your health. Get lean.
And gain more energy to enjoy your life!
If you're ready to look good, feel good, and do good... then we'll see you inside!
Veterans Getting Fit AF
Helping 100k veterans lose 2 million pounds. Learn how to thrive in a community by us for us.
- Feel better
- Lose weight
- Improve energy levels
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