Davinci School
Private group
4 members
$49 /month
Do you want to be an artist but you are struggling with the following?
  1. Procrastination
  2. Lack of purpose
  3. Lack of good quality resources to learn from
  4. Lack of Motivation
  5. Addictions (social media, porn, video games) etc
  6. Having a monkey brain and being a Jerry
Do you wish you had friends and a company of people who all share the same mission, encourage growth, and work hard to be better?
Then welcome to the Davinci School !
A place where you can find solutions to all of the problems mentioned above.
The School features:
✔️A community of active, serious artists
✔️Noob's guide to head sculpting course
✔️Noob's guide to anatomy course
✔️Productivity Courses
✔️Youtube beginner course
✔️Make your first $500 course as a content creator (How I got results)
✔️3D models / references to help with your study
✔️Realtime sculpting videos from the channel
Get access to all of the solutions under one roof !
Davinci School
Surround yourself with serious and like minded artists who take actionable steps to become better.
A platform to learn 3D art and productivity
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