Deal Flow Academy
Private group
6 members
$500 /month
Deal Flow Academy is a mentorship group lead by Ryan Haywood. Podcast listeners and Instagram followers have been asking and we are so excited to provide the support others need to find success with wholesale. Wholesale and Real Estate have changed our lives and we believe it can change yours too!
Ryan completed his first wholesale transaction in Nov 2019 and when it closed it was more than he made in a month at his lucrative 9-5 sales job. That was the catalyst he needed; he left his job and he never looked back. He has gone on to do over 400 wholesale transactions and build a business that has supported us and our team for nearly five years.
Time is money, let Ryan give you the steps and shortcuts to success! Mentorship will give you the support, resources, and skills you need to replace your 9-5 income and change your financial future faster than figuring it out on your own.
Deal Flow Academy
Replace your 9-5 income with Wholesale in 3 months!
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