So I had to take a step back for a few months as I going through life/job changes etc and wasn't really able to put a lot of work into coding. Once things settled down though, I got back in and realized that I forgot a LOT of core information that I needed (I was in Javascript learning about filters in arrays).
I decided to go all the way back to the beginning of functions and watch every video and do every challenge so that I could really understand everything and, just now, I finally made it through everything all the way up to where I was!
I'd love any feedback on the code I wrote in the challenge if you'd like to here:
But anyways, I just wanted to write a quick post because I've been working REALLY hard to get caught up and I'm just super proud to be finally back to where I was!!!
I can't wait to finally get into some new material with a renewed, fresh perspective of what I've learned.
Onward and upward future front end developers!!
Ryan Pickard
Developer Pro
Learn how to code. Make money. Have fun. Enjoy life.
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