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Beginner Coaching Call is happening in 46 hours
What helps you get in enough study time?
When starting this course I had a hard time getting myself to sit down and code for enough time. I tried doing 15 minute study sessions and then gradually increasing the amount of sessions per day. This has helped me get in the study hours I need. Now I've increased my coding time from <1hr a day to 2-3 hours and I sometimes set my timer to 30-45 minutes instead of 15. I use the notion habit tracker page to record it. Anyone have other methods that help them?
New comment 2h ago
Apple Clone- CSS help
Hey everyone! Thank you in advance for your patience and time. New guy here trying to figure out how to clone the Apple website. I'm running into a couple issues... I'm trying to move portions of my elements in my containers or even just move an entire section of content to the bottom of my image panels, but... 1. The div that is my background image is housing my other content, so it's making it hard to control my elements. 2. when I try to self-assign my elements, it's just not working. Another issue ... My "Link1/1a/2/a" CSS for the two different elevated buttons in each panel aren't working concurrently. I'll apply CSS to one and it makes the other's disappear or additionally, the CSS just won't work and I can't figure out why. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Hopefully my code isn't too illegible.
New comment 3h ago
for loop visualization
Not an official challenge and this doesn't need a code review but I am running through the second half of the javascript videos and recreated the for loop visualization for some extra practice. Pretty easy at this point after doing the first round of challenges and only took about an hour.
End of week update 9.16.24
I just worked on a couple of katas this week.
What music do you guys listen to while programming?
This playlist from Limitless gets me going:
New comment 5d ago
What music do you guys listen to while programming?
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