Digital Drinks
Private group
75 members
A free community for young Film & TV Producers across the globe to make spontaneous connections over “drinks” every week. No hassles of outreach, scheduling, or driving!
Meet 16 new producers over zoom per month, spread over 4 hours (1 hour per week):
This is so you can:
✅ Grow your network
✅ Meet people outside of your usual circles
✅ Make new friends
✅ Learn about others
Without the hassles of spending the time/money:
🛑 Doing outreach
🛑 Back-and-forth scheduling
🛑 Driving to and parking at a bar
🛑 Buying overpriced drinks
You're only connected with each Producer for a 15 min breakout room, so if you end up with someone you don't jive with, just be curious, supportive, and kind-- then move on! If you end up LOVING the person- you guys can connect further in the community afterwards.
👉 P.S. If you are not a Producer, or your intent is to try to pitch people projects- this is NOT the group for you. Do not join! If you do anyways and get caught- you'll be banned!
Digital Drinks
A free group for young Film & TV Producers to make spontaneous connections over “drinks” every week. No hassles of outreach, scheduling, or driving!
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