Happy Monday, Ladies! I hope everyone had a well rested weekend! I slept so good the past few nights and even got a 3 hour nap yesterday - HEAVENLY!!! If you're a weight lifter like me, you know how important down time and good sleep is for your journey!
Anyways, let's do a MONDAY GOAL SETTING POST! Tell me your goals for this week (make sure they are both attainable but a little challenging) because you're far more likely to make your weekly goals a reality if you 1) intentionally set them for yourself and 2) share them with others and 3) write them down! For me, it's a big week handling internal launch of PHF app (Friday was day 1), preparing for live class in here tomorrow, live class with wealth creator college on Wednesday and leading y'all along this challenge!
LIVE CLASS IS TOMORROW! You can get the link from our classroom. Hope to see a few of you on live for real time Q&A, but it will be uploaded to our classroom after class is complete. We will be continuing ways to position your page to have all 4 buyer phases covered (last week, we talked about feed posts only, so this week will be stories, highlights and email marketing) and I'll be sharing about a new direction I'm going with my own FREEBIES in a way that your dream clients will both WANT your freebie, actually go through your freebie, all while giving you the best market research in the process! IT IS SO GOOD!
Next up, I'll be sharing Day 8 of our 30 Day Challenge Posting Guidance! Happy Monday, everyone!
Randa Carrabba
Digital Profit Queens
Profit Queens Membership led by Randa Carrabba
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