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Level 0
5points to level up
Level 1 - The Rookie💕
38% of members
Level 2 - The Prize Seeker✨
Unlock "Magnetic Messaging Workshop" 17% of members
Level 3 - The A+ Student 💯
Unlock "Digital Product Discovery Class" 7% of members
Level 4 - The Ambition Queen💎
Unlock "$20K in 20 Days Challenge" 12% of members
Level 5 - The ACTION Taker ⚡️
Unlock "Wealth Identity Workshop" 19% of members
Level 6 - The DRIVEN Diva 💖
Unlock "3-Dimensional Leadership + 50% Off Inner Expansion" 7% of members
Level 7 - The ROCKSTAR 🌟
Unlock "20 Min Discovery Call + 20% Off PHF Coaches Course" 0% of members
Level 8 - The CEO 💸💸💸
Unlock "Dream Client Attraction + Market Research Protocol" 0% of members
Level 9 - THE Profit QUEEN 👑
Unlock "1:1 60-90 Minute Call with Randa!!!" 0% of members
Last updated: Sep 20th 2024 12:27pm