Dirt Skool
Private group
3 members
$199 /month
When you enter the Community, you'll gain access to a community of like-minded individuals focusing on business.
When i first started my company i had so many questions and no one to ask. That’s why i built DirtSkool.
In DirtSkool you will have access to many likeminded individuals.
To answer any Question you have.
-How to set up a corporation
-How to get licensed
-How to set up contracts
-How to make relations with GC’s
-How to bid on a project
-How to send proposals
-How to advertise
-How to close projects
-How to do the work
-How to get bonded
-How to dig a foundation
-How we build retaining walls.
and much more!
-Weekly zoom calls with Q&A
-Access to my courses
-Access to a community with 24/7 feedback.
-Local companies to UT will have access to leads and projects.
Dirt Skool
join this community with like minded individuals and learn from each other.
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