DIY Natural Health
Private group
68 members
$9 /month
You can get information from anywhere on the internet. You're here because you need to know you can trust the information and we have the expertise!
  • Learn how to use supplements safely and effectively for your family.
  • Get protocols for the most common health complaints - instantly have access to all past protocols
  • Learn our "Clinical Pearls" where we share what is working best for people.
  • Learn how to shift your mindset from "problem based" health care to "solution based" health care.
  • Weekly Q&A for open discussion, questions and your practitioners will bring topics as well.
  • Easy and organized collection of past classes on topics such as Holistic Detox and Natural Medicine Cabinet.
  • Learn how we help our clients stay healthier and get over sickness faster (their words not ours) during cold and flu season and other seasons of sickness.
  • Learn how to use supplements to support your hormones, skin health, digestion, allergies, emotional stressors and your children and family's overall wellbeing.
DIY Natural Health
Two seasoned natural health practitioners answering questions and providing protocols to help you overcome your health challenges.
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