procrastination isnt even a thing
the biggest idea ive realized during this process was how wrong i was to classify my procrastination, i used to think of it as an entity that possess me or a state of being that comes unto me as a curse and overrides my desires and will
i used to think that if i could get rid of the procrastination then i can finally do all the things i (allegedly) wanted to do
but , think about it for a second, who is it that generating the procrastination?
no one is coming over and telling me to not do the thing, i have no restraining order against the thing, i have no physical or mental impairment preventing me from doing the thing (i say this while being grateful).
the procrastination is generated entirely by, surprise surprise, me!
who else can generate it but me?
and so when what you realize is that the thing thats happening here is a conflict of interest, there are parts of you that want competing things and that's whats fundamentally driving the conflict.
Ironically, our response to the conflict is what generates further generation because when you deal with procrastination you instantly default to running away from it, you think its not your own so you dont bother to address it or, worse, you go online and 99% of advice out there is to completely squash the procrastination and fight it tooth and nail.Anyone who has been a human for more than a day will tell you how completely foolish and futile to go against your system.
Recognize, you are a sovereign , free (allegedly) , agent, an individual with will and desire and wants and needs.
Once you begin to realize this, you will understand that either you do the thing, or you dont and do something else. There is no more "procrastination" because you understand you always have control over what to do.
Adam Smith
procrastination isnt even a thing
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