what's a desire partner?
one of the key features of this community is the desire partner system
if you've ever struggled to follow through on your goals
you may have tried finding an accountability buddy to keep you on track
but the problem with typical accountability is that it relies on guilt and pressure
which can make you dread checking in, especially when you fall short
desire partners offer a different approach
instead of holding you to account, your desire partner is there to explore
to help you uncover the deeper desires driving your behavior
and find the most aligned ways to meet those desires
the focus is on curiosity and self-discovery, not judgment or punishment
so you'll always look forward to connecting with your desire partner
even and especially when you haven't met your goals
because that's when you have the most to learn about what's really going on inside
with the support of your desire partner
you'll develop a more compassionate, insightful relationship with yourself
and tap into the wisdom of your desires to fuel joyful, sustainable motivation
if you're ready for a new approach to accountability
one that leaves you feeling uplifted and inspired instead of guilty and ashamed
then look below to see if you can find a desire partner
or make a post, looking for a desire partner of your own
Trinley Goldenberg
what's a desire partner?
Don't Waste Your Precious Life
if you struggle with motivation and purpose
we'll connect to your desires
go deep into your doubts
and within them find all the motivation you need
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