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The Effect Church Gathering is happening in 3 days
🟣 I have a favor to ask...
I would like to ask everyone in this community who knows me a little favor. (Many of you have known me for years.) Please tell the brand-new members below who are landing here... Anything that you want to "About Me." There are two reasons: (1) I'd love to know what you think of me. (2) Since some people don't know me yet, they might want to know a little bit about who the leader of this community is, so I'd like to invite you to tell them! 👆 That's the BEST social proof in the world. I know it seems like a weird or selfish request...but it will also help bond the community together faster...and that's what I'm here to do. So, if you're willing, your contributions could be invaluable in kickstarting this community. It's purely optional, but I'm sure everyone entering will appreciate and benefit from your comments, and together, we can help this community grow. THANKS IN ADVANCE
New comment 5d ago
Welcome Friend!🚀 Tell the group a little bit about yourself... ✅ Post your answers to the following questions 1. Who are you? Where are you from? 2. Who do you help? What do you offer? 3. What do you like to do for fun? 4. What's the ONE BIG THING you'd like to get out of this community? Be sure to @ mention me, so I can learn more about you:)❤️
New comment 9d ago
After hanging out with and learning from a bunch of successful people, one thing stands out: the key to success is to make it fun! Therefore, the primary purpose of Easier Way is to help intelligent people connect with their inner wisdom so that they can stay sober, have fun with good friends, and make a good living doing what they love. And when I talk about staying sober, I mean letting go of any harmful habits that prevent us from enjoying life. You do not need to identify as having an affliction that would qualify you for a 12-step group. This is designed for anyone who wants to improve their life. You are invited to join this community and connect with like-minded individuals seeking a safe space to express themselves. Our online platform is about personal growth, prosperity, and supporting each other. It's the perfect place for free spirits and non-conformists working to overcome challenges, unleash their potential, and live on their own terms. And typically the people who benefit the most from their time in online communities understand that they get back what they put in! So please, share your insights. Encourage and thank others who share what's working for them. We would appreciate that you answer questions if you can and connect people. Whenever possible, please share resources and things that helped you. And lastly, the guidelines of our community... The Dos - Be Kind: Use respectful language to recognize and appreciate different perspectives and cultures. Communicate thoughtfully and purposefully. Remember that everyone's path to healing is different. - Be Inclusive: Let's embrace our differences and appreciate each other's unique life experiences. Diversity enriches our community. - Be Committed: The collective consciousness is Easier. We are better when you are involved and share your thoughts, but please do your best to share your opinions respectfully without giving unwanted advice. The Do Nots - No Harassment or Insults: Do not use sexist, racist, or discriminatory language. Harassment, threats, and the spreading of conspiracy theories are not tolerated. Refrain from sexual advances or violent language. - No Unsolicited Advice: Offer advice only when requested.
New comment 10d ago
what’s in your cup?
You’re holding a cup of coffee, and someone bumps into you, causing you to spill it everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? You might think it’s because someone bumped you, but that’s not quite it. You spilled the coffee because the coffee was in the cup. If there had been tea in your cup, you would’ve spilled tea. Whatever’s inside the cup is what comes out when it gets shaken. The same goes for us. When life shakes us—and it will—whatever’s inside is what spills out. It’s easy to stay composed when things are going smoothly, but when we’re rattled, our true emotions show. So the real question is, what’s in your cup? When life gets tough, what spills out of you? Is it joy, gratitude, peace, or humility? Or is it anger, bitterness, victimhood, or frustration? We don’t always have control over life’s bumps and jolts, but we do have control over how we fill our cups. It’s on us to choose what we carry inside. So, today, let’s focus on filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, resilience, and kindness. Let’s fill them with love and gentleness for ourselves and others. When life inevitably shakes us, we want what spills over to reflect the best of who we are.
New comment 2h ago
what’s in your cup?
⚫️ New Course Available
I got way too many things in my head and sometimes I need to get them out or my brain will explode. Who knows, you may enjoy my ramblings as I share some of the best stuff I have learned over my 60 years of being a humanoid. So click here to access a collection of articles I put together in no particular order.
New comment 1d ago
⚫️ New Course Available
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