7d ago (edited) in W's! 🏆
5 Days in McDonalds Trailer Edit
Just a little W to share with y’all, sent over the trailer for IBP’s massive 5 Days in McDonalds series coming up, and they loved it, no changes needed.
My biggest thing I focused on was
  1. Telling a story with the footage & clips I picked
  2. Creating an emotion of intensity, tension, curiosity, and seriousness throughout the entire video
  3. Creating a rhythm of quick cuts contrasted with slowed down moments of voiceover that emphasizes that feeling of serious intensity.
And if you remember the 3 rules of editing… Emotion, Story & Rhythm, those were the Big 3 things I focused on and because of that, the decisions I made in the edit were all to support those 3 rules.
Let me know if you have any questions about my thought process, any decisions I made that you notice, any edits I pulled off you’re curious about, literally anything!
Comment below and let me know your questions & thoughts!
Love y’all!
- Norman
Norman Zizoff
5 Days in McDonalds Trailer Edit
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