If You’re Serious About Editing, Don’t Make This Crucial Mistake
What’s up y’all,
I wanted to make this post because I see a lot of aspiring editors making the same mistake when they start their journey...
They try to jump straight from point A (beginner) to point B (pro editor) without mastering the foundations.
And I get it, who doesn’t want to know how to create those Iman Gadzhi animations, they’re sick 😭
But here’s the thing: when you’re spending hours trying to recreate the cool animations you see in those videos, you’re not really learning editing—you’re learning animation.
And animation is not the most important part of editing.
What Editors Are Missing 💻
There are critical, foundational skills that are often skipped over, yet these are the very skills that will turn you into a great editor.
If you skip these, you’ll never develop a true understanding of what makes an edit good.
Let’s break down what you should be focusing on instead:
1. Understand Why We Edit 🧠
Editing isn’t just about making things look cool. Every cut, transition, and effect should serve a purpose. Whether it’s keeping the audience engaged, telling a story, or building emotion, you need to understand why you’re making each edit.
2. Create Emotion in Your Edits 🥹
Emotion is at the heart of every great video. It’s your job as an editor to evoke the right feelings at the right moments. Are you using pacing, music, and visuals to make your audience feel something? If your edits don’t spark emotion, they’ll fall flat.
3. Tell a Story with Your Edits 🗣️
The ability to tell a story through editing is one of the most overlooked but essential skills. Editing is about crafting a narrative, not just piecing together clips. You need to understand the arc of the story, how to build tension, and how to deliver a satisfying payoff.
4. Maintain Rhythm and Flow 🎢
This is one of the biggest mistakes I see new editors make, they don’t understand rhythm and flow. The timing of your cuts and the pacing of your video can make or break how engaging it is. A great edit feels seamless, where every cut feels natural, and the flow keeps the audience hooked from start to finish.
Why Animating Isn’t Editing ❌
Yes, animations can be a nice touch, but they’re not the core of what makes an edit great. You can have the flashiest animations in the world, but if the flow of your video is off, the story doesn’t connect, or the emotion isn’t there—no one will care.
Final Thoughts 💭
If you’re serious about becoming a great editor, slow down and invest time in mastering the basics.
Editing is about content, not just effects.
Understand the purpose of the content you’re editing, and develop your own style by honing the core skills that will set you apart from the rest 🙌
Let’s not aim to be editors who just add flashy tricks to a video.
Let’s aim to be editors who tell stories, create emotions, and keep the audience engaged from start to finish.
⚠️ What foundational editing skills are you working on or could use help on right now? Let’s discuss below! 👇
Love y’all,
Norman Zizoff
If You’re Serious About Editing, Don’t Make This Crucial Mistake
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