FREE 1-On-1 Coaching Call Contest (READ)
Alright y'all so here's my current goal with this group:
I want this to be one of the most engaging and lively groups on the skool platorm. I want this to be a group where people feel like they hit the jackpot when they join because of the strong community & vault of knowledge inside, and it's up to all of us to help make this happen.
This means when people join, we welcome them...
When people are struggling, we support them...
When people get a W, we congratulate them...
And most importantly, we provide VALUE to each other and treat one another like family because we all want to win in this game called life.
So, to incentivize y'all to provide value & support for one another, I want to issue a challenge...
Whoever reaches the Top 3 on the Leaderboard at the end of EVERY MONTH will win a FREE 1-Hour Coaching Call with me to help achieve their most desired goals.
The call can cover ANYTHING you want help with. And trust me... the call will be more than worth it, especially considering a normal 1-hour coaching call is worth $500+ and you get it for $0 😂
IMPORTANT: The leaderboard ranking is determined by your level in the community. You get 1 point for every 1 like you get on a post or comment you've made.
So the more likes you get, the higher your level... which means to increase your level, you need to be sharing, providing value, and posting in this group... which helps me achieve my goal of making this community amazing :)
Whoever is in the Top 3 of the Leaderboard with the most points by the end of every month will get this FREE coaching call.
I hope y'all are as excited as I am!
Let the games begin...
Are you going to try to get in the Top 3? (Comment With A GIF of Your Reaction)
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Yessir! Let's go!
Nah I'm a non-contributor
21 votes
Norman Zizoff
FREE 1-On-1 Coaching Call Contest (READ)
YouTube Editing Mastery
This community is for video editors who want to make $5k+ per month by landing high-paying editing clients!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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