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Us stocks
Can these indicators be used on us stocks? Currently with questrade (living in CAN); do recommend any other brokers? Thank god for no pdt rule lol
Wanna get rich quick? Market analysis/Trading is not for you. YEARS of studies to get that 65k trade in 1 day. Why did you start?
"How did you retire at 22?"
Financial Intelligence... Yupp.. that's what got me to retired at the young age of 22. And to set expectations properly, no I wasn't riding around in lambos daily and flying from London to Miami and grabbing dinner in Dubai... no my style. It gave my the ability to get out of survival mode and breathe. Make a rational decision as to where I would like to lead my life. Soo..... I decided to get back into the game and play, because I love it. Now I prioritize my time to building businesses and building myself. A hand up if you'd like: If you have a business idea, trying to scale, building portfolios, asset allocation, hmu or comment and I'd love to add any value I can. Either way, stay clear of your mission and keep going 👌
Financial Intelligence?
Being a male it's important to understand the language of Finances. So I offer this question to see if with my experience I can share my perspectives with the intention to help. "What are you doing DAILY to become more aware of your intelligence with Finances?"
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