Solar Shoppers United
There's a universe of info on solar, most of which is designed to sell it to you for the most $$$ possible, regardless of the quality or very existence of the service. Way too many scams afloat.
Attorney Generals in FL, AZ, TX, AK, MN, CT, KY, and more states are filing lawsuits against deceptive solar companies, reps, and banks. The Solar Shoppers United Section of ESS is designed specifically to act as a barrier of homeowner protection.
ESS has all the relevant experience to guide you, but we genuinely don't care if you install solar or not.
We are here to give you the truth on the entire solar industry from contract review, equipment quality, installers, financing (lease vs. loan), net metering, backup power, and anything you need to know when you're thinking about making the switch.
Watch out for:
  • High Dealer Fees (Financing where you are buying down the interest rate but don't know it)
  • Leasing Escalators - ask for a fixed rate
  • 1-1 net metering claims (California may cancel grandfathered NEM 2 Solar Customers)
  • New Installers (Many are just glorified sales dealers that subcontract everything, drop ship panels to your house, and have no idea what they're doing)
  • Shading from trees and adjacent buildings make a huge difference on production
  • Don't believe the sales reps offset claim. Get a few extra panels just in case and be willing to negotiate the price. Sales margins are usually pretty high.
What has your experience been like so far, and how can we help?
Davison Kirchmyer
Solar Shoppers United
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