Assertiveness in Action: Video 3
When a team member shares a spontaneous idea, responding with direct and respectful communication rather than passive-aggressive or abrasive remarks can significantly impact the team's creativity and morale. By valuing open communication and understanding, leaders can cultivate an atmosphere where all ideas are considered and discussed openly.
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Moving on to example number three, feedback on ideas. So in this scenario, a team member shares a spontaneous idea during a a brainstorming session. The passive aggressive person says, you just say whatever you think, don't you? Context, the colleague is annoyed by the spontaneous nature of the idea, but doesn't want to outright dismiss it.
The abrasive person. So you just blurt out whatever's on your mind? Do you even think before opening your mouth? In that context, the colleague is visibly irritated by the idea and questions the thought process behind it in a very demeaning way. So it's a different kind of power struggle than the passive aggressive person.
The direct person, they could respond with something like, I appreciate your honesty. Let's discuss your thoughts openly so I can better understand why you're thinking that and how it relates to the current issue. So in this context, when I manage, owner, team leader, whatever it is, values open communication, and what they wanna do is create a culture where ideas are discussed freely. Moving on. Example number four, we got offering assistance.
Filimon Filippou
Assertiveness in Action: Video 3
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