Assertiveness in Action: Video 5
Responding to concerns with honesty and appreciation is essential. Avoiding dismissive or harsh reactions and instead addressing concerns directly and respectfully shows you value the person's care while maintaining your boundaries. This approach enhances trust & facilitates open communication within the team.
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Example number five, responding to concerns. We all have concerns.
Scenario, when you are asked about your well-being after seeming stressed or overwhelmed, the passive-aggressive person will respond. I'm fine, no need to fuss over me. In this context, the person wants to brush off the concern, but he's actually feeling down.
The abrasive person, I said I'm fine, seriously, cut it out. Don't make a bigger deal than what it actually is. This is when the person is irritated by the concern and wants to end the conversation quickly. They're lacking the tools to soften things over.
Direct person, hey I'm okay, thank you. I'm just processing at the moment.
When or if I need something or some assistance, whatever it may be, I'll let you know. And in this context, the person appreciates the concern but prefers to handle the situation independently. Moving on to example number six, acknowledging expertise...
Filimon Filippou
Assertiveness in Action: Video 5
Elevate your Communication with Vocal Variety, Storytelling & Impromptu Speaking. Dare to Walk the Talk & Challenge Yourself to Grow.
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