Assertiveness in Action: Video 6
The importance of recognising and valuing team members' expertise is immense. By responding with openness and respect, rather than scepticism or confrontation, leaders can create an environment where team members feel confident to contribute their knowledge. This approach creates a collaborative culture and maximises the team's potential.
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Moving on to example number six, acknowledging expertise. So in this scenario, a team member suggests a solution on their specific expertise.
And the passive-aggressive person responds, oh, I didn't realise you were an expert in this area. This person doubts the team member's expertise but doesn't want to challenge it openly.
The abrasive person, ah, so you're the expert now. Go on let's see your grand plan. Once again, it's a power struggle. And this person is sceptical and confrontational about the team member's expertise.
The direct person that communicates and responds powerfully. They could say something like, it sounds like you have experience in this area. Let's hear your ideas and your perspective.
So when this person or colleague acknowledges and values the team member's expertise, what they're doing is they're encouraging them to share their knowledge, their information. It opens up a bigger dialogue.
Filimon Filippou
Assertiveness in Action: Video 6
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