Assertiveness in Action: Video 7
Assertive & direct communication is all about striking a balance, being straightforward without being dismissive, being assertive without being aggressive.
The benefits of direct & respectful communication extend beyond the workplace. These skills are transferable to personal relationships, helping to build stronger connections and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.
By practising clear and respectful communication in all aspects of life, we can enhance our overall interpersonal effectiveness and personal growth.
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Lastly, number seven what have we got? Addressing forgetfulness. Someone repeatedly forgets important tasks or information, and the passive aggressive person turns around and says, wow, you're really good at forgetting things, aren't you? In this context, the person is annoyed by the forgetfulness and masks their frustration with sarcasm.
You see the common themes here. The abrasive person forgetting stuff again? Listen, we don't get paid to remind you so, hey, try to keep up. Yeah? Little bit too over the top. So this is when the colleague is openly frustrated and critical about the repeated forgetfulness.
Now what does the powerful person do? It seems like this slipped your mind again. Let's find a way to keep track of it. So this is when a manager or team leader wants to address the issue constructively, focusing on solutions rather than criticism.
So that's the end of the seven and these rephrased versions aim to maintain a constructive and respectable tone focusing on clear communication and collaboration rather than implying criticism or frustration. Clear and direct communication is crucial in many industries as well as personal relationships.
So although I spoke into the context of work and career, they can easily be applied in any environment. Now I don't wanna dive into personal relationships today as I wanna stay with the theme of work and business. So let's quickly look at how this approach could be beneficial in six other settings that I've used here, industry settings. The first one is health care. Direct communication can avoid misunderstandings and ensure patient safety.
For example, instead of saying, do you think you might be able to take your medicine? A health care provider could say, please take your medicine at 8AM daily.
In IT, information technology, to avoid confusion with troubleshooting, direct language is key. And this one's a simple one, so rather than sarcastically saying, maybe you could try rebooting the system. How many of us have heard that? An IT professional might turn around and say, please reboot the system now.
And in education,聽teachers can provide unambiguous feedback by using direct language such as replacing, you might wanna study more for the next test with I recommend studying chapters three and four for the next exam.
Hospitality in customer service, clarity can improve guest experiences. So if you think you'll need anything else becomes let me know exactly what you would like to make it a more comfortable stay for you.
Retail. So in retail, sales interactions benefit from straightforwardness. Turning, you could possibly find what you're looking for in the next aisle into the item you're looking for is aisle number four.
Corporate settings, lastly. So we go into corporate settings, one of my favourites. To reduce office politics and improve productivity, replace we can possibly discuss your proposal at some point with, let's schedule a meeting on Tuesday to discuss your proposal.
Now in each of these examples, the direct approach removes ambiguity, encourages action, and sets the tone for a more honest and efficient communication environment. So to wrap it all up, the transition from passive aggressive to overly abrasive language to a more direct and clear communication style can enhance not just individual interactions, but entire workplace cultures.
This approach goes on to create an environment of transparency, respect, and efficiency. It allows for genuine expression, understanding, and cutting through the noise of indirect or harsh communication that can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, or all the other bullshit stratagems people employ.
Taking this style of communication on does not mean discarding politeness or empathy. It's about striking a balance, being straightforward without being dismissive, being assertive without being aggressive. It's about understanding the context of adapting your communication accordingly, ensuring that your message is not only heard but also expected and acted upon. I've got a saying, be kind, but you don't have to be nice.
Now it doesn't mean you have to be mean,聽but sometimes we mix up nice with being a bit fake. So like anything we take on to learn, communication is a skill that can be, It could be learned and honed because it involves being aware of not just what you say, but how you say it. It's not just words, but it's also tonality and body language.
So choosing to be direct and clear, you're going to be taken so much more seriously. You can go on to build better and ships on trust, create more collaborative and productive workplaces, and lead with confidence and certainty.
So whether it's a high-stakes environment like a construction site or in the nuanced dynamics of a corporate office, the power of clear, direct, and respectful communication stands as somewhat of a universal tool for leadership and personal growth. So take these insights and apply them to your daily interactions. Changing not just how you talk but how you lead in every aspect of your life. Like I said, it's just not career this can be adapted into all kinds of environments and domains.
Lastly, take what you will.
Filimon Filippou
Assertiveness in Action: Video 7
Elevate your Communication with Vocal Variety, Storytelling & Impromptu Speaking. Dare to Walk the Talk & Challenge Yourself to Grow.
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