Storytelling Tip 1: Know your Audience
Ready to elevate your storytelling skills? Start by knowing your audience inside out. Learn how to gather valuable insights, ask the right questions & tailor your narrative to resonate with your listeners πŸ‘‚
In the coming days, we'll gradually release each of the eight tips into the feed. If you’re an eager learner and prefer to watch the full video now, you can access it in the classroom πŸ“š
For those who favour reading over watching, below is the transcript πŸ‘‡
β€œA great Storyteller makes a great connector and in storytelling, there are always going to be listeners. And I've found that there are two main types of listeners.
The first is those who are envious because they don't have the capability to engage people and the capacity to share a great story. These people are often gossipers and walk away whispering to others with the aim of discrediting the other person. He's full of crap. She always makes it about herself. That person thinks that they're better than everybody else. All it is, is an insecurity on that person's part. I can't be like them, so I may as well bring them down. They are the critics of the world. Those who look like a bulldog sucking on a lemon.
The second type of listener is those who are engaged, they want to connect with the person. There's an inner voice that says, I like this person. My assessment is that individuals tend to gravitate towards others who share similarities with them or embody qualities they aspire to possess.
These people couple with each other and then relationships are developed. And depending on which person you are, depends on what type of person you are. Are you the person who brings people down or picks them up? Are you resentful and resigned when listening to a great Storyteller? Or are you open, receptive and curious? Do you feel increasingly isolated and lonely and validate it by telling people, I'm just an introvert. Or are you able to pick up the phone knowing there will be people on the other end who genuinely want to spend time with you?
I'm going to quickly run through eight tips to help you become a better Storyteller. It's about practise, reflection, and awareness, not getting them right all the time.
So tip number one for becoming a better Storyteller. Know your audience. Now this one goes without saying. Something I learned in business many years ago was that the market will always give you feedback.The market in this case is your audience. Whether it's an audience of one or hundreds and thousands, it's important to tune in so they don't tune out. Storytelling has a strategy that when practised over and over, it becomes fluid and natural.
Become aware of your environment and ask yourself simple questions like what insights do I have about the people here? What open questions can I ask? Can I offer so that I can gather some information, contextual cues or details about the people I am surrounded by. How do I plan to tailor and craft my narrative to align with the listener's preferences and needs?”
Filimon Filippou
Storytelling Tip 1: Know your Audience
Elevate your Communication with Vocal Variety, Storytelling & Impromptu Speaking. Dare to Walk the Talk & Challenge Yourself to Grow.
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