Storytelling Tip 6: Make it personal
Ready to leave a lasting impression with your stories? Tip #6 reveals the key to authenticity: making it personal. Discover how sharing personal experiences acts as a powerful catalyst for connection & engagement.
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“Sharing a personal experience acts as a coupler. I find that people really tune in and see us more authentically because we are willing to share a part of ourselves. I often tell people that I may come across as aggressively passionate, bombastic, and loud.
However, I'm an open book. If someone wants to know something, they simply have to ask. Open the cover. I've also found that when we share something personal about ourselves, be it in a story or whatever, it becomes a catalyst for others to share something personal about them. I can't count how many times someone has come up to me and said, I've never shared this with anyone, but because of what you said, it made me remember a time when such and such.
I've lived a very experiential, adventurous life and because of that, there are so many stories for so many different situations and contexts. Something I learnt to do many years ago was to keep a notes folder on my phone. Because I would remember a story in conversation which I'd totally forgotten about. So I would quickly note it down so I could use it in the future.”
Filimon Filippou
Storytelling Tip 6: Make it personal
Elevate your Communication with Vocal Variety, Storytelling & Impromptu Speaking. Dare to Walk the Talk & Challenge Yourself to Grow.
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