Pay It Forward
Today as I sit looking at the snow come down in southern Alberta, I was gifted a couple of things that brightened my morning!
First of all I hit my Milestone of 150 workouts….WTF.
Second thing came along was a message from my coach that I was the leader board winner at his Skool Community. He was to grant me a gift…..
I have been working with Andrew for 7 months now and having him as my coach (in all areas physical/mental) has been a huge gift in my life. I am/will continue my journey with the support of Andrew to strive to be my best self.
So my request, of my gift, was to pay it forward to another human that could benefit from working with Andrew. It is life changing in all areas of your life.
You will never regret this opportunity ♥️
Flory Stepa
Pay It Forward
Epic Energy Community (FREE)
All my best tools to help you level up in your fitness, nutrition, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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