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Was this a sign from God
So for a bit of backstory, for past few months I would say I've not really felt God's presence too much and kind of felt quite disconnected, but literally in the span of 90 minutes, I had an experience that seems impossible that it's a coincidence. So I was having lunch before I went to the gym and it was raining like crazy then stopped and then as just before I went outside to the car to drive to the gym, the rain got super light rain. And then once I was in the car it started raining really badly. Then it stopped when I got out of the car in the gym car park and then when I walked back to the car from the gym pretty much as soon as I closed the door it started hail stoning again and then just before I got back home it stopped. Am I being crazy or was this possibly a sign from God and if so how should I interpret it?
When is the line crossed for having an opinion on someone and judging them?
This is something that I've struggled with for a while. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
New comment 19d ago
Have you been grinding for God today?
New comment Aug 1
Prayer meetings
what do you think and what do you say Isaiah if we had prayer meetings every now and then on Google Meet or on Zoom?
New comment Jul 25
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Hey brothers check this.furthermore we ask you to propose sentences such as: we are kings who serve the king of the possible, of the impossible of the infinite and beyond
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New comment Jul 22
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