Write something
I’ve got to get something of my chest!
I’ve had enough, at 19 years old I feel I have wasted my entire life until now. Just doing absolutely nothing. Yeah I trained a little, yeah I sometimes stayed consistent for a week. It makes you feel even worse when you stop. It’s about I acted how I felt. I want a good physique, GO WORKOUT! I want to be able to financially free, GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. It’s about time you put your dreams and aspirations into a perspective of “why not” As much as you’ve listened to podcasts, done your “research” you’ve not acted on it! Time will NOT stop. Make every minute count towards your future, your goals, your end objective. Get on with it!
Got excuses? Same, get over it!
You know every now and again you’ll see that car you’ve loved since a child and dreamt off? That you can’t even think about buying since you “didn’t have time to start that business” You see that guy walking down the street in the most basic clothes but looks absolutely brilliant because he’s worked out consistently and ate healthy? Wishing you looked like him but you “had too much of a long day to train” You make up all the excuses not to start! Look at your life from someone else’s perspective. Flat broke, doesn’t train, just cries about how “they have it harder then everyone else” All these things you wish you could have, could do, but you didn’t want to start taking action. The only excuses you should have is the reason why you are working exceptionally hard. Change that “I’m too tired to train” to a “I don’t have a choice but to train” Change that “I can’t start a business ” to a “I can’t afford not to start now” Life is like a game, it gets good once you start levelling up!
Got excuses? Same, get over it!
I feel terrible… why are people wasting time?
I’m sure we’ve all been there, knowing you’ve got stuff to do, tasks to complete, but still don’t. You’ll sit at the end of your bed, on the couch, rotting away instead of doing these tasks. Its the same reason why you struggle to get out of bed on a morning. The same reason you don’t workout. The same reason you feel lost. Time is the one thing you can’t stop, change or alter no matter what you do. What you do with your time is a different matter. STOP WASTING THE MOST PRECIOUS THING YOU HAVE! Plan ahead. Write it down. See it. Do it No one knows how much time they have left. Make every minute a monumental minute.
I feel terrible… why are people wasting time?
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Helping you manage the one thing that you can’t change, TIME🕰️. Make every minute a monumental minute of progress and self improvement❗️
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