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Hey there! 👋 Facilitator Club is THE community for Facilitators or those who want to learn the skill of facilitation, where you can… ✅ Talk about facilitation and workshops (like the Design Sprint!) ✅ Talk about facilitation careers and how to build one (and make $$$ as a Facilitator!) ✅ Share workshop/facilitation insights, experiences, and resources ✅ Ask the AJ&Smart team questions about facilitation & workshops! These documents contain important information about the group rules and getting the most out of this community, so please read through everything before you get started! 👇👇👇 👮‍♀️ Group rules 🚨 💃 How to get the most out of the Facilitator Club community 🕺 P.S. If you’re wondering what AJ&Smart actually does, here’s a post which explains everything: Really happy to have you here, hope you love the community as much as we do! Lots of love, The AJ&Smart team 💛
New comment 11d ago
Ideas for designing a workshop to identify competency gaps for Learning & Development Initiatives
Hi all, I’m in the process of designing a workshop for a team of advisors at a housing cooperative (similar to real estate advisors). The goal of the workshop is to identify the key areas where they need to develop competencies, which will then guide the creation of tailored training programs, workshops, or other learning initiatives. I have about 3 hours for the session and was thinking of using a Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ) or Design Sprint-inspired approach to keep things focused, without falling into long discussions. I’m aiming for an interactive format that encourages "working together alone" to gather individual input, but I also want to make sure we end up with clear, prioritized themes that we can use to build our L&D portfolio. So far, my outline includes: - A short warm-up session to identify what’s working well. - A structured process to surface challenges or areas where they feel they need further development. - Prioritization of these challenges using voting techniques. - Refining the key challenges into actionable “How Might We” (HMW) questions. - Generating ideas for possible solutions (such as workshops, e-learning, etc.). - Using an effort vs. impact matrix to prioritize these ideas. Does anyone have experience with similar sessions? I’d love to hear any tips, tools, or alternative exercises you’ve used that could help. Thanks in advance for any input or ideas!
Diagnostic Tools
Besides one-on-one conversations and questionnaires, I am curious to learn more about the diagnostic tools you use in getting to the bottom of the Needs of your Clients, i.e. their needs, priorities and be able to craft their workshop objectives and outcomes. What magic tools or questions do you use that works for you. Thanks
New comment 8h ago
Facilitators the Netherlands?
Hey Facilitators! 👋 I’ve recently relocated to the Netherlands and am about to take the leap of leaving my full-time job to start my own journey as a Design Thinking Coach and Facilitator! (It’s both thrilling and a little terrifying, but here we go! 🚀) I’m eager to connect with fellow facilitators in the NL, whether in-person or virtually, and was wondering if there are any existing meetups or groups I could join? If not, what do you say we start one together? 🤩 Feel free to DM me or drop a comment if you're interested—let's build something great!
New comment 9h ago
Hello Everyone,
Hello everyone, I'm happy to have been led to this group by Andra, Currently in South Korea, originally from Mexico. Long story short, I'm an Industrial designer, with an MBA, currently pursuing my Ph.D. But between all of that, I had the opportunity to both teach and facilitate. I have especially facilitated design Sprints and Hackathons based on the design thinking method. This is what lead me back into academia and now my Ph.D. which is focused on design thinking workshops. Glad to meet everyone!
New comment 10h ago
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Facilitator Club
The community for Facilitators, or those interested in becoming a Facilitator, to get together and share insights, resources, and advice!
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