Private group
18 members
$44 /month
The FASTEST Way to Grow Your Video Business:
  • Learn Exactly How We Get High Paying Clients
  • Get Immediate Access to Courses worth Thousands of dollars that teach you everything from cinematic filming to marketing for high paying clients.
  • Be the First to access new opportunities and partnerships. We replace the typical agency model by working as a group we're able to go direct to large clients and get projects that we couldn't have received as solo filmmakers. This gives us access to a new tier of clients.
  • Stay on the cutting edge with our Live monthly meetings online. We answer questions and interview the top experts to keep you up to date.
  • Get 1 on 1 Feedback from top Experts. Post in the "Reel Review" section to get feedback on your films from both our community and experts. This is the Fastest Way to grow as a filmmaker.
  • Share your journey to inspire others and so our experts can immediately know what hurdles you're likely facing and know how to help you overcome them.
Fastest Way to Grow Your Video Business
- Get High Paying Clients
- Advanced Lessons
- 1on1 Reviews from Experts
- Partnerships for jobs
- Biz Coach
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