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What's up guys, sorry I haven't been active in here been busy with my day job in cybersecurity, but we are back IN IT BABY!!
New comment Aug 7
Update on texting a girl
Hey boys, check out my pinned post from a few months ago talking about how to text a girl, I got an update. That girl is now my girlfriend and is moving in tomorrow with me. If you guys got any questions on girls just let me know.
are you working hard?
how's everyone doing? what have you done today that will help your future?
New comment May 18
I Started Sarms
Whats up guys, I just started a cycle of mk-2866, Im only doing 5-7.5mg which is very low. The normal dosage is 25-30mg. Im only doing 7.5 because I don't want to suppress my test, I just want to have small effects so I can build a bit more muscle while I'm eating so much food. Thoughts?
New comment May 6
Im gaining 10 pounds this month thoguths?
Whats up guys, sorry I been dealing with so much shit. We back and ready to get this thing BLOWED UP!! So I lost a FUCK ton of weight but and I'm going to shove my face for a month to fill out. I'm such a low body fat I think gaining 10 pounds will be easy, and I won't put on to much fat. Alot of it will just be water weight and filling out. Then I will aim to gain 1 pound a week after I'm back to 170. Thoughts on this?
New comment Apr 26
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