I'm very sorry to say goodbye for now 😔
Dear Sheila & Allen,
I haven't been active in your fabulous group for awhile due to having had major surgery recently. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but, I have to fully focus on my recovery for an extended period of time, unfortunately.
Thank you so very much for your inspiration and for letting me be a part, how briefly it may have been, of this amazing experience you two are offering while helping lots of people.
Many thanks again and hopefully I will be able to rejoin in the future, which is a bit uncertain at the moment to be honest.
Wishing you and all the group members the best of luck with this amazing lifestyle.
Kind regards from the Netherlands, and please excuse my English for I am not a native speaker.
Jessy Ramakers
Jessy Ramakers
I'm very sorry to say goodbye for now 😔
Fitness One-Global
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