flare free.living
Private group
1 member
My name is Fin. I am a 20 year old from the uk who was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at the age of 15.
This group is a community of ibd warriors, a community we can all relate to.
I have built multiple mini booklets on my own strategies and advice to help people overcome their flare ups. Physically, and mentally.
Ranging from diet advice, mindset, common myths debunked ect ect.
When i was first diagnosed,i had no idea what ibd even was. My goal is to be to the person for others that i never had.
No, i am not telling you that this group will heal you in weeks. But i am saying that the strategies and lifestyle i have applied have helped me get on the way to a healthy remission⭐️
What I offer🤝
direct messages to me. regarding medication, diet, lifestyle, or even just a 1-1 discussion with someone who's experienced all there is to experience with inflammatory bowel disease.
8 classes, all with 4 or more individual sections all regarding ibd.
flare free.living
for all crohns and colitis warriors⭐️
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