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Convey vs. Convince is happening in 5 days
Self-Care is more than a bubble bath....
I recently caught myself hibernating.. I hadn't left the house in 5 days. I can blame the weather but I was just plain hiding.. I knew I had to pull myself out of the funk I was in. I called a friend and two days later I was driving 400 miles and crossing state lines. The new environment and meeting new people, driving different streets, eating at unfamiliar places, going to a new church, the list goes on and on. It was just what I needed. I saw the direction things were going and I decided to change it. I had that power. I share this story because you have it in YOU too. If something in your life isn't going the way you want, you can pivot and go in a different direction. No harm no foul. You are not locked into a decision if it turns out after careful consideration that it's not for you. I give you permission! (haha) Not that you need it. It's ok to change your mind.... it's ok to start over. Remember, self-care is more than a bubble bath.. it's being true to YOU... don't forget that...
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