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Convey vs. Convince is happening in 5 days
Importance of Eye Contact
Hey everyone! Ever considered how powerful eye contact can be in transforming our conversations and connections? Whether it's with friends, loved ones, or even casual acquaintances, the way we look at each other can deeply impact our relationships. I've just dropped a quick, one-minute video on TikTok diving into the importance of eye contact. It's not just about looking; it's about truly seeing and being seen. We explore how this simple yet profound act can build trust, create deeper connections, and make our interactions more meaningful. 🌉✨
My 1st TikTok LIVE today!!
Had a great time doing my LIVE today on TikTok... @flirtwithfuture as we discussed "green flags" in relationships. I wanted to keep things positive. I hope that we learn and grow from each other every day!!
New comment Mar 20
Journaling your thoughts via pen and paper vs computer
There is something quite powerful about journaling. When I first started journaling, I used the computer thinking that it would be so much faster. What I came to realize is that it became very distracting. In the middle of journaling, I'd inevitably think of a bill I needed to pay or a client I needed to follow up with. Once I started writing in my personal journal (one that I keep with me nearly everywhere I go) I could finally slow down and complete a thought without trying to edit myself. I frequently jot down ideas in the moment (even in the middle of the night) and refer back to them later to I can explore further. 1. Handwriting can help us slow down and fully engage with our thoughts. 2. Being able to write effortlessly enables the mind to focus more fully on a topic. 3. The brain engages differently when we write something by hand as opposed to typing it on a keyboard or by touching a screen. Studies show that writing improves memory too! 4. Engaging the body in writing by hand helps make writing a more holistic activity. There is something uniquely physical and multidimensional about putting pen to paper to form words and sentences. What are your thoughts on this?
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