Your Business Lawyer
Private group
177 members
$97 /month
Access a Business Lawyer in Your Corner (for less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee).
Join now and get instant access to:
  • Daily 1-1 Private Appointments with Seb
  • 50+ Hours of Video Courses
  • 100+ Vetted Contract Templates to Run & Grow Your Business
  • Daily Private Chat Support (Legal + Tax Questions)
  • 30 Minutes Monthly for Custom Deliverables (unused minutes roll over)
  • Major Discounts on Additional Hours for Members
Custom Deliverables Include:
  • Asset Protection & Trusts
  • Business Structuring & Entity Formation
  • Tax Law & Tax Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Drafting & Reviewing Contracts
  • Real Estate
  • Legal Compliance
  • Partnerships & Raising Capital
  • Startup Law
  • Employment Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Business Development
  • Buying Businesses
Your Business Lawyer
Access Your Dedicated Business Lawyer for Less Than the Cost of an Hour with a Traditional Firm
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