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Format for posting Insights
Do you ever wish that you kept notes on all the best resources that you have consumed, and wished that you could access the notes of other people as they consume resources and read books? One of the goals of this community is to be able to log all the collective actionable insights from the best knowledge sources that we can get our hands on. I made a sample format below, and take note that insights and resources are not limited to Books. (Any resource as long as you deem it valuable can include podcasts, experiences, speeches, articles, audiobooks, etc.) Title of post: *Actionable Insight* - *Resource name* Resource name/Concept or Idea Name: Type: Source: Summary/Key Takeaway: Review: Actionable Insight:
Introduce yourself!
A big factor of the synergy effect that we want to maximize in this community is having access to other members with specific skills. Having people with different skills creates a better network and knowing what others do, their occupations, or the value they can provide will help you reach out to other members, and help them reach you for your own services or products. If you are unsure how, you can follow this format: - Name - Background (education, work, story, etc.) - Shameless self promotion (Don't be shy, briefly share what you can do for others or what value you can provide, skills, products, etc.) - Recommended resource that changed your life (book, youtube playlist, article, tedtalk, lecture, etc. Include a TLDR)
"Life is long if you know how to use it." - On the shortness of life (Seneca)
Like any school of philosophy, Stoicism is rooted in a few foundational ideas for living a good life. First, we should focus our attention on discerning what is and isn't in our control. According to the Stoics, the only thing that is in our control is our judgment and voluntary actions. How we perceive things and how we allocate our attention, as well as our voluntary and intentional actions determine the quality of our life. In other words, we judge how "bad" an event is, when in reality, the event just happens, and it is our judgement of it that makes it good or bad. Now that we have discerned what is and is not in our control, the second foundation is to take complete responsibility for what we can control, and fully accept those that we cannot, especially our fate. In Seneca's book, "On the Shortness of Life", he says that how we use our time is up to us. We should not waste our limited time, and instead take action, as this is where meaning can be found. He also raises the idea of eliminating and avoiding distractions, as well as pointless ambitions without the pursuit of meaning and purpose. This brings me to the third foundation being acquiring wisdom and living through reason. This allows us to live in accordance with the universe and how things are supposed to be, not how we think they are supposed to be. A stoic is not surprised when things happen, as they know that what happened is the only way things could've happened, and it is their obligation to understand so that they may take action. Lastly, Stoicism is rooted in the acceptance of mortality. Stoics were very aware of their limited time on earth, as the philosophers who adopted this philosophy were not "full-time" philosophers, but were people who wanted to gain wisdom but ultimately to live their lives. To them, philosophy is meant to be a guide on how to live a good life, and that philosophy was not their whole life. Life is long if you know how to use it. Like any resource well allocated and utilized, the time we are given on this earth is enough, so long as we don't waste it, and choose what to do with it. Also remember, the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Choose your values wisely. - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Mark Manson highlights the importance of having the ability to choose where our attention goes, and choosing better values. We must align our values to the main question of life, being: "What will be your legacy?". My main takeaways are the following: - The breadth of our experience locates the gold, while the depth of our experience digs for it. - Choosing X means saying no to everything else that is not X - One does not simply stop giving a f*ck, but must choose what he gives a f*ck about. The art is in choosing where to focus your attention, and not giving a f*ck about everything else. - Kill your entitlement, it's not good for you or anyone. It's not always about you. - Choose, accept, and bear your pain. Suffering in life is inevitable, and one can even argue that it is what makes Choose your pain and at least make it something you deem worthwhile. Both being unhealthy (illness) and healthy (exercise) cause suffering, you must decide which one you want.
"It's not always about you." - How to win friends and influence people
Resource: How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie Type: Book Summary: Classic, and borderline "cliche", but if you cut through the noise and stories, actually makes sense and if implemented will drastically change how you interact with other people. The premise of the book is that its not always about you, especially when you interact with others who you have a relationship with. To get your point across and to communicate the things you want, you must realize that the other person must "hear" and understand what you are saying, which requires you to put yourself in their shoes. You must not be selfish, and realize that to communicate well, you must realize that people are emotional beings with their own goals and ideas. Actionable insight: Before saying anything, understand the other person's perspective. See where they are coming from, who they are, and their goals. Creating win-win scenarios, and effective communication, relies on how well you understand yourself and others, and how to align your goals to create an outcome that you cant reach independently.
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The Manila Book Club
A purpose-driven community of people who want to seek wisdom from the best books and resources, and turn them into effective action.
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