Acronyms Every Fractional Should Know
I once worked for a company where everyone spoke in acronyms. It was a great way to make sure nobody knew what was going on! "We need to put the PVAs in the L-CAM and then record our PITs." 😵‍💫Nothing obscures language more that an acronym. Here are some business acronyms that every fractional should know. Feel free to add to this list in the comments!
Sales Acronyms:
  1. CRM - Customer Relationship Management: Software used to manage interactions with current and potential customers.
  2. SQL - Sales Qualified Lead: A lead that has been deemed ready for direct sales follow-up.
  3. BANT - Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline: A framework used to qualify leads.
  4. MQL - Marketing Qualified Lead: A lead that has interacted with marketing efforts and is considered more likely to become a customer.
  5. ABM - Account-Based Marketing: A focused approach where marketing and sales teams work together to target high-value accounts.
  6. ICP - Ideal Customer Profile: A detailed description of the type of company that is a perfect fit for your product or service.
  7. KPI - Key Performance Indicator: Metrics used to evaluate the success of sales activities.
  8. ROI - Return on Investment: A measure of the profitability of an investment.
  9. CAC - Customer Acquisition Cost: The cost associated with acquiring a new customer.
  10. CLV - Customer Lifetime Value: The total revenue expected from a customer over the duration of their relationship with your company.
Marketing Acronyms:
  1. SEO - Search Engine Optimization: The process of improving a website's visibility in search engine results.
  2. PPC - Pay-Per-Click: A type of online advertising where the advertiser pays a fee each time their ad is clicked.
  3. CTR - Click-Through Rate: The percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing it.
  4. CPC - Cost Per Click: The amount paid by an advertiser for each click on their ad.
  5. CPL - Cost Per Lead: The amount it costs to acquire a lead through marketing efforts.
  6. CTA - Call to Action: A prompt on a website or marketing material encouraging the user to take a specific action.
  7. CMS - Content Management System: Software used to create and manage digital content.
  8. UX/UI - User Experience/User Interface: The design and functionality of a website or app that enhances user interaction and satisfaction.
  9. SaaS - Software as a Service: A software licensing and delivery model in which software is accessed online via a subscription rather than installed on a computer.
  10. RTM - Real-Time Marketing: The ability to react quickly to events and market opportunities as they happen.
General Business Acronyms:
  1. SaaS - Software as a Service: A software delivery model where software is accessed online rather than installed locally.
  2. NPS - Net Promoter Score: A measure of customer loyalty and satisfaction based on their likelihood to recommend your company.
  3. B2B - Business to Business: Transactions conducted between companies.
  4. B2C - Business to Consumer: Transactions conducted directly between a company and individual consumers.
  5. SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats: A strategic planning tool used to identify internal and external factors impacting an organization.
Renée Cormier
Acronyms Every Fractional Should Know
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