We-Connect Discount for LI Messaging
OMG. I am sooo happy to tell everyone that I just got special permission to offer Fractional Referral Network members a 10% discount on we-connect for a full year. It only works with my affiliate link (no kidding), so be sure to use these together.
We-connect is a terrifc and affordable platform for building your LI connections and automated messaging campaigns. It can also be leveraged for email campaigns. If you want me to walk you around we-connect, just let me know. Their website has tons of tutorial videos, however and superior customer service.
Here's the coupon code: WC224-10-OFF-12
*** Always use LinkedIn automation tools in tandem with LI Premium, otherwise LI may restrict your account.
Renée Cormier
We-Connect Discount for LI Messaging
Fractional Referral Network
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