What's in your library?
Do you deliberately invest time and money into learning more about sales and marketing? The fact is, most fractionals end up taking a full-time job because they lack the business skills necessary to remain self-employed. Have you ever heard this Jim Rohn saying?
"Rich people have big libraries and poor people have big TVs."
Go to the classroom tab and find something to help you learn more about what you need. Consider taking my upcoming workshop on leveraging LinkedIn. Consider purchasing one of my coaching products. Access whatever tools you will use and if you need guidance, message me.
I'm a teacher at my core, but I'm also a continuous learner. I've been working in sales and marketing for decades. Use my brain! 🧠
Every time I see a fractional professional with "Open to Work" on their LinkedIn profile my heart sinks. You can do this, but you have to be willing to learn what you don't know and commit to doing things differently.
Renée Cormier
What's in your library?
Fractional Referral Network
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