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What if we did a 3 day Empowerment challenge each week?
I'm trying to think of ways to keep our momentum going. I think we only need to do a mid-week empowerment challenge to keep us on track and get the battery recharged. We could dedicate say Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to a full focused challenge that will be both testing in mind and body. If you could let me know what your thoughts are and what we could include? We only get one crack at this life so lets start getting into it to get the most out of it!
New comment Oct '23
What if we did a 3 day Empowerment challenge each week?
If I could solve one problem for you, what would it be?
Just working on understanding everyone's pain points so I can see if I can include it on the next 21 Day program. I've been really doing serious thought on how to teach the Law of Attraction better and all the other techniques. But it doesn't really matter unless I'm helping to resolve the biggest issues people have. Let me know in the comments below. Thanks
New comment Aug '23
If I could solve one problem for you, what would it be?
First 'Become Limitless' Task (Introduce Yourself! 😁)
Welcome to the Freedom Network & The Become Limitless Community! You are now entering a hidden oasis on the internet for anyone looking to get into the best shape of their lives both in mind and body! Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself below using this Copy/Paste Template: Tell us in in a couple of words about yourself? Where are you from? What would be the biggest transformation you would like to get from being apart of this community? Step 2: Go here to learn about how the Mind and Body works. Step 3: Go here If you want to know how the Universe Works. I did a five part podcast series on it. Step 4: Get in the Best shape of your Life and above all have Fun! 😉 ------- Best practices in this community: • Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your questions, wins, and thoughts in the community forum. • Hit 'Like' 👍 on EVERY helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. • If you like a post enough to COMMENT on deserves a 'Like' 👍 as well. • Do not "NOT" like a post because your posts don't get likes. Get likes by GIVING likes! • When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply. • Make sure your profile picture is a photo of you. • Be nice. • DO NOT private DM members with your own products and services. This community will not be like current Facebook Groups are today. • If you receive a DM from another member and they attempt to pitch you any product or service, please shoot @Troy Colmer (Myself) a DM so I can remove them. • If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, or are not sure what the 'next step' to take is, just ask the community, and tag myself @Troy Colmer
Two Earths? What about this then?
Just my thoughts this morning
The start of your journey Being and staying conscious at the start of your journey can determine the outcome of your desires or the creation of your purpose. Once you have decided on the path of say freedom, peace, ease, and prosperity, in all aspects of your life, consciousness is the key, awareness of your thoughts and actions should be your priority for progress, and then trusting the process. I have a book that is titled the fork in the road. And that starts from the moment you open your eyes in the morning? A fork in the road Do I get straight up and take action on the direction I have chosen, or do I lay in bed and relax. Once you have chosen which road to follow And you have gotten out of bed, being conscious of your next fork in the road Am I following my positive affirmations my morning routine, and listening, and or listening to my intuition ,or am I in default mode just drifting through the morning process ? Fork in the road number three, am I conscious of the next step am I aware of my vibrational output? Am I in flow and gratitude and heading in the direction of creating, and then receiving from the law of attraction or am I, have I slipped into my default mode, and attracting more of what I don’t want, or what I have always been receiving. Becoming aware and conscious of your thoughts, and actions will only take enough time until you are in the vibrational escrow of the vortex you have chosen . or done a reprogram with Troy. This is only a starting point to keep us all on the path we so desire. And so becomes our new subconscious program. Sometimes our intuition takes us down the fork in the road to teach us and guide us. Enjoy that process also. remember to then stop thinking and let it the natural part of you flow. Love and enjoy the game of life. It’s all yours. The fork in the road.
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Become Limitless
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