Bio-Acoustic & Bio-Energetic Research
Really liking the info I've been seeing here so far!
Seems I previously have been connecting with people that just didn't have as much knowledge about this subject, due to it's unjust suppression for well over a century.
I'm also still learning as much as I can, which is an ongoing process, due to it's many facets and applications.
That being the case, I have been collecting videos for a playlist I created over a year ago, and figured it would be much more valuable and appreciated in a group like this one.
There's nearly 42 hours worth of content (and counting), and I came upon this information while on my journey to heal myself from a severe back injury which has made significant progress (still healing).
This information has allowed me become much more educated about the field (pun intended 🧲⚡ 😉), and has even allowed me to build my own PEMF devices (3 so far).
I hope it helps to educate others that may be interested, and aid them in their own healing.
Be well 🙏⚛️☯️⚕️
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Brandon Peterson
Bio-Acoustic & Bio-Energetic Research
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