Welcome to a community of money makers. We are thrilled to have you here. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. First things first: 1. We do 100% of the work after you get new locations on board: we send them the machines, we install the machines, we send them the products and everything that was promised in your offer to them, we send them marketing materials and we do the maintenance. 2. Please visit our website (there is nothing for you to buy there) just to learn a tiny bit about us. You don't have to but why not. 3. Introduce yourself to the community (where you live, what's your financial goal and what's your sales experience if any) 4. Vote on the poll below 5. Learn how you can make your first $200 within 24 hours (which will pay for 3.5 months of your membership) How confidant are you that you'll be making your first $200 within 24 hours? I have a personal success story for you -> Little Motivation Story