Write something
Who are you?
First off, who the hell are you? Tell me what you do, what you love, where you are in your journey right now. I'm going to be your biggest fan and biggest supporter on your journey. Whether you like it, or not. Sorry. I swear, it's out of love. Do you really want people to keep fueling your ego and encouraging you on a path that just doesn't feel great? Post a photo that represents where you want to go! I desire to help you get there! Because this journey is about you, it's not about me.
New comment 12d ago
Who are you?
Resting is the first step towards having FUN!
How many of us know how to rest? Or, when it's time to rest. As an over-thinker, I often find that rest feels counter-productive. Resting is different for everyone. Generally, it should make us feel good! For me, as I've grown into the person I am now, rest feels like rejuvenation and I gain insightful inspirations! A more positive perspective on rest is the 3 Rs: Retreat. Regroup. Re-inspire. 🏝 Retreat Literally, run away. What location will make you feel comfortable. Where do you want to be? 🎠 Regroup Get back in touch with yourself! What do you want? What do you like? What makes you feel free? Think back to when you were a child. I garantee you it will still make you smile. Even if you just feel silly. 🧖‍♀️ Re-inspire Just feel better. Relax. Feel accomplished that you have set aside this valuable time for yourself! You've done it! Congratulations! As someone that doesn't rest easily due to environmental factors, genetics and just everyday things you need to do.🤦‍♀️ Thinking of it in terms of health and life progression 🏃‍♂️‍➡️ or getting to where you want to be, makes this concept and process a much easier pill to swallow! 🧑‍💻 As my father was a workaholic for majority of my life, I have see it first hand how having insufficient rest can be counter-productive to your life progression. There is no room for enjoyment or fun to grow and progress in personal, family or social life aspects. There is burnout and exhaustion which limits any growth in your career. 🤯 BUT, I don't have any time for rest... Well, you do. It comes down to prioritising. Learning HOW to prioritise yourself! This is much easier to do when you understand that there is no progression, without rest or the 3 Rs. ⏱️ Rather than time, work on adjusting your view point to progress! 📈 When choosing an activity for your self, an easy starting place is ... 'what feels good.' 🥳 Have you had very little sleep? Well, maybe a nap is in order! Have you not been to the gym and you know you would love that feeling of accomplishment? You know where to go.
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Have you been having a bad time? I’m looking for 25 - 45 year old single mums (and dads) that want to feel like themselves in 90 days! Let’s go!
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