Do More Everyday
For most of my life, all I’ve really known is fighting and combat.
I’ve been a fighter from the start.
For years I had gruelling schedules and training regimes to make sure I became a top tier professional combatant in my field.
Consistently training and fighting in cages with other warriors.
It was my single focus for more than a decade.
I became obsessed with becoming better and better every day.
Leaving nothing on the table and everything out in the cage.
But even as I was giving it my all, I still felt like I wasn’t doing enough.
I always pushed myself hard, feeling like no matter how much I trained, it wasn't enough.
Day in, day out, I lived in the gym, always trying to sharpen my skills, to be a bit faster, stronger, tougher than I was the day before.
It wasn't just about winning the next fight; it was about beating my own expectations.
But here's what I've learned: this drive, this hunger to always do more, it's not just for the ring. It's for life.
Most losers settle. They do the bare minimum and call it a day.
But when you only do what's easy, you miss out on what you could truly achieve.
I've seen talented people, real potential, wasted because they didn't push themselves.
They got comfortable, and comfort is where growth stops.
The thing is, humans are capable of so much more than we think.
The problem? Most don't even try.
They're scared to push past what's easy.
Me? I'm scared of not pushing enough.
That fear drives me.
It makes me get up every day and ask, "What more can I do today?"
It's not about being unhappy with what I've done.
It's about knowing there's always another level, another challenge.
You have to keep climbing, keep improving. Because the moment you stop trying to climb higher is when you start sliding back.
So every morning, I tell myself, "Do more than yesterday."
It's simple. But it's powerful.
It's what turns good into great, potential into reality.
That's the fight worth fighting.
- Luke
Luke Barnatt
Do More Everyday
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