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Gentlemen´s Forge

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Welcome in the Gentlemen's Forge, inside I will teach you How to become A charismatic leader who has great communication skills.


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Welcome to Vida Africa, the first online community dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) to young men across Africa.


170 contributions to Gentlemen´s Forge
The Momentum Shift You Need
You’d be shocked at how fast your life can flip once you start taking yourself seriously. Most people have no idea how quickly things can change when you get your head straight and lock in. It happens quicker than you'd ever believe. Like a Ferrari hitting top speed, you go from zero to a hundred in a blink. The minute you decide you’re done with the bullshit… Done with half-assing your way through life… Done with distractions and settling for average... That’s when the momentum shifts. Everything starts aligning—the money, the opportunities, the growth. And here’s the best bit: you can have everything you’ve ever wanted within a single year. It’s not some distant fantasy. It’s reality for those who are willing to commit, sacrifice, and push themselves every single day. But most people take 10 years to get there. Why? Because they waste the first 9 years being lazy fucks… Making excuses, procrastinating, and waiting for the “perfect time” to start. They delay the grind, the hustle, the focus that could catapult them to success in no time. They sit around, thinking they’ve got time, thinking they’ll start tomorrow, next week, next year… But tomorrow turns into next year, and before they know it, a decade has passed, and they’re still in the same place. If you want to be different, if you want to be the one who actually makes it, you need to start NOW. Not tomorrow, not next week. Now. Because the moment you decide to take yourself seriously, the world has no choice but to take you seriously too. And that’s when everything changes. So stop fucking around. Stop waiting for the right moment. Take yourself seriously today. - Luke
The Momentum Shift You Need
Loneliness at the Top
One of the loneliest feelings in the world is climbing to the top of a mountain. All the effort getting there requires a unique level of commitment. You’ll face endless problems that normal people will never get to think about. And you’ll win trophies along the way too. But you can’t share those unique problems with anyone because no one can relate… And no one quite understands the weight of your wins to celebrate with you… So it ends up just being you, alone with your thoughts… I was at the top of that mountain about 5 years ago. At the end of an accomplished fight career I had a bunch of money in my account, and no where to go. I didn’t even know which road to take, let alone walk it with someone. But there was tribe on the peak of the mountain next to mine… So I walked towards it, not knowing where it would lead… And there I found The War Room. A tribe of warriors who trained together… Ate together… And shared victories together. They pushed eachother past their limits and built massive empires. They were kings among men, and they gave me direction and purpose. I was finally among guys who understood the problems I had faced. A real brotherhood that I could count on. And I never looked back. The truth is, without The War Room, I would’ve have quickly slide down that mountain… Back to where I came from, like a nobody… Like nothing had happened, and my achievements would have meant nothing. This is why I’ll always say, you need a network… But more than that, you need a brotherhood. You need The War Room. Message “WR READY” to me on telegram if you're interested.
Loneliness at the Top
Overcoming Limits
Never limit yourself to one thing. Over your life, you'll learn so many different skills. But people tend to become trapped in one lane, thinking they can only be good at a single thing. They settle for what they know instead of exploring what they could become. They get comfortable, stick to their routine, and stop pushing their limits. But that’s not how you grow. Every skill you pick up, every new thing you learn, makes you stronger, smarter, and more versatile. It opens doors you never knew existed. It gives you options when the world tries to box you in. The most successful people out there are experts in only one thing? They've built multiple paths to success. They’re not afraid to pivot, to adapt, to move from one opportunity to the next. So don't put yourself in a box. Don’t let the world define you by just one talent. Be a man who knows how to handle anything that comes his way. Be a man who isn’t afraid to learn new things and master them. Diversify your skills, build new strengths, and stay unpredictable. That's how you stay ahead. - Luke
Overcoming Limits
Money and Happiness
People often say that money can’t buy happiness. I completely disagree with that. Money can absolutely buy happiness, if you know how and where to spend it. Imagine you have loved ones working tirelessly at minimum wage jobs, struggling every day. Telling them they don’t have to worry about bills or living expenses anymore – that’s going to bring a genuine smile to their faces. You’ve essentially bought someone’s happiness. To those who argue money can’t buy happiness, let’s try a simple experiment. Take a trip to a third-world country, find a child who hasn’t eaten properly in days, and buy them a hot meal. Watch their smile and tell me that isn’t real happiness. Money does buy happiness, but not in the way you might think. It’s not about splurging on luxury items like expensive clothes, cars, or watches. That’s a shallow view. True happiness comes from something deeper. For men, it’s about being a competent provider and protector for their families. Providing for them, that’s where real happiness lies. Now, as we move through the year, people start worrying about spending “too much” on things that matter. This really boils down to what you prioritize in life. I see people spending hundreds on a night out, yet they complain about the cost of investing in their loved ones. Life has become commercialized, and in many ways, we’re told not to “waste” money. But it’s also an opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. It doesn’t always have to be about spending money, but when it comes to meaningful gestures, it’s a chance to make someone feel special. Don’t waste your money on meaningless things. But a thoughtful gesture for your mom, dad, sibling, or friend? That’s priceless. The joy you bring to someone’s life is invaluable. So, my take is this: Invest your time, your energy. Make it a big deal for your family and friends. Don’t just think about the cost. And don’t view it as an expense. Think about the impact you’re making. There’s no ROI more important than making your family feel loved.
Money and Happiness
"Luke, how do I make the move to Spain?"
I've been living in Marbella for about eight or nine years now, and I can honestly say it’s been the best decision of my life. The sun, the energy, the people—it’s a whole different world out here. And with the state of the UK today—violence, immigration issues, constant chaos—it’s no wonder so many of you are asking: "How do I make the move to Spain?" Brexit might have made things tougher, but I've found the solution: Marbella Visas. This team knows exactly how to get you out here, living the life you’ve been dreaming of. This isn’t just for those in the UK either—I’m currently helping guys from Canada too. So even if you’re not from the UK, you can still see what works for you. Marbella Visas will be able to help. If you’re a young entrepreneur looking to make a move, to get a taste of a different climate, a different way of life—this is your chance. But here’s the real deal—you need to be adaptable. It’s not the strongest or the largest who survive; it’s the ones who can adapt to change, especially in a world as unpredictable as this. Most people think sticking to one country, one bank, and one passport is the safest bet. But let me tell you, if they want to take what’s yours, they will. Your money, your house, your car—it can all be gone in an instant. So what’s the answer? You have to be ready to move, whenever and wherever you need to. You spend a little money now, but it could save you from a world of trouble down the line. That’s the power of being prepared, of having options. And here’s the BEST part... A Spanish visa doesn’t just get you access to Spain. It gives you access to the ENTIRE Schengen area—places like France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. One visa, multiple countries, total freedom to move. If you're serious about making a move, about getting out of the mess that is the UK or wherever you are, and finding a better way to live... Click here to find out how Marbella Visas can help you.
"Luke, how do I make the move to Spain?"
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Luke Barnatt
1,405points to level up
Inside this community I will share all my tips, tricks and knowledge on how to become a better man, more charismatic and more memorable.

Active 21h ago
Joined Nov 15, 2023
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