May 1 (edited) in 🧠 WISE Mind
Procrastination [30 days of ME - Day 30]
Let's wrap up with a classic and take a look at procrastination, the act of delaying or postponing tasks.
I'm sure we're all quite familiar with this one.
We humans value immediate rewards more highly future rewards.
We don't like to wait.
We like instant gratification.
In order to make the future rewards more appealing than those available right now it is helpful to increase temptation or emphasize consequence.
Make tasks more achievable by breaking them down.
Smaller actions are easier to start. Make it as easy as possible.
Getting started is the hardest part.
Take the first step!
Once you get going momentum helps you keep going!
To break free from procrastination try one or all of the following: daily routines, cues for behaviors, night before planning and prioritizing, time management and scheduling specific actions.
Today commit to overcoming your procrastination! Make a list of tiny first step actions on your top priorities and do three!
Get Going!
Tell us how you beat or plan to defeat procrastination》🧑‍💻💬
Wendy Wiseman
Procrastination [30 days of ME - Day 30]
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