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Taming Your Tension Today is happening in 22 hours
Clutter Clearing
📚🗃📦🛍 Clear it out! 🧹 Before/After pic ( the table was messier pre photo as I had already started before the before shot ) The housemate cleared out without clearing out. It feels so good to have that table clear. It's been clutter for years! Clutter doesn't just mess up your space, it messes with your head, your nervous system. Clutter can have several negative impacts on your well-being, affecting your mind and nervous system in various ways: 1. Mental Overload: Clutter bombards your mind with excessive stimuli, leading to sensory overload. This can reduce your ability to focus and concentrate, increasing stress and anxiety levels. 2. Decision Fatigue: Constantly navigating through clutter can exhaust your mental resources, making it harder to make decisions. This fatigue can diminish your cognitive performance and overall productivity. 3. Stress and Anxiety: A cluttered environment can create a sense of chaos and lack of control, triggering the body's stress response. This can elevate cortisol levels, contributing to chronic stress and its associated health issues. 4. Sleep Disruption: Clutter in your bedroom or sleep environment can interfere with your ability to relax and unwind, leading to poorer sleep quality and increased insomnia risk. 5. Impact on the Nervous System: Clutter can keep your nervous system in a heightened state of arousal, similar to the fight-or-flight response. This can make it difficult for your body to enter a state of rest and recovery, affecting your overall health and well-being. Incorporating habits to reduce and manage clutter can help create a more peaceful, organized, and health-promoting environment. Choose one small thing to do to kickstart your decluttering. Post "CLEAR" in the comments of you're committed to creating a clutter free living space. And then let's chat about more tension taming tips for pain-free productivity with WISE Vitality 🤗 ⌛ Super special Founders 🎫 Access Pass avaliable for a few more action takers! 🚀
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New comment Jul 16
Clutter Clearing
Center Yourself and Become the New You
How's your self-talk? Did you know your past attitudes shape your present script and that creates your current reality. Take a step back from your “predetermined script” to kickstart true change. To do this, center your attention. Become deeply centered practicing these 3 things: 1. Breathing - Watching your breathing. 2. Witness - Observing there’s breathing. 3. Realization - This breathing is existence. Once you attain this realization.. that “I see myself, and I see my reality” ... you are then witness of the script, rather than the active participant. Once you truly become the witness, the process of creation may begin. Create your new self, live into your dream life by becoming that person here now in this present.
New comment May 13
Center Yourself and Become the New You
Fear of Failure?
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." -Napoleon Hill Here are 3 helpful techniques: - Visualize Success: Take a moment to visualize yourself overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. Picture yourself confidently navigating obstacles and celebrating your victories. Visualization can help rewire your brain to focus on possibilities rather than fears. - Affirmations: Practice positive affirmations to cultivate a mindset of resilience and self-belief. Repeat phrases such as "I am capable of overcoming any obstacle," or "Every failure brings me closer to success," to reinforce your confidence and determination. - Learn from Setbacks: Instead of viewing failure as a sign of inadequacy, see it as a valuable learning opportunity. Reflect on what went wrong and how you can improve in the future. As Hill wrote, "Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit." Use setbacks as stepping stones to refine your approach and move closer to your goals. Share your challenges & wins in the 🥳 #whoas
Fear of Failure?
Procrastination [30 days of ME - Day 30]
Let's wrap up with a classic and take a look at procrastination, the act of delaying or postponing tasks. I'm sure we're all quite familiar with this one. We humans value immediate rewards more highly future rewards. We don't like to wait. We like instant gratification. In order to make the future rewards more appealing than those available right now it is helpful to increase temptation or emphasize consequence. Make tasks more achievable by breaking them down. Smaller actions are easier to start. Make it as easy as possible. Getting started is the hardest part. Take the first step! Once you get going momentum helps you keep going! To break free from procrastination try one or all of the following: daily routines, cues for behaviors, night before planning and prioritizing, time management and scheduling specific actions. Today commit to overcoming your procrastination! Make a list of tiny first step actions on your top priorities and do three! Get Going! Tell us how you beat or plan to defeat procrastination》🧑‍💻💬
Procrastination [30 days of ME - Day 30]
Negativity [30 days of ME - Day 29]
You've successfully been adding ME time to each day for almost a month! Has the experience generated any negativity or feelings of failure? While failure leads to growth, negativity goes nowhere. Failures can make you more efficient on next attempts toward a successful outcome. Think about how many trial+error=failures you endured learning to walk or ride a bicycle. Failing is a great teacher. Failure is not a negative thing. Negativity drains your brain's resources. Researchers found that a habit of prolonged negative thinking diminishes your brain's ability to think, reason, and form memories. Try to reframe some of your failures as stepping stones on your path to success, as opportunities for learning and growth. Today see if you can you go all day without complaining or thinking negative thoughts? Try it for a week and see how your relationships and interactions change positively. Share your positive thoughts on negativity and failure 》🤔💬
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WISE 😎 GenXcellent Vitality
Move out of pain at any age! Don't "feel old" ... Feel Totally Awesome! From genXhausted to GenXcellent! 🖖😎 Thrive with Radical Vitality... ⚡JOIN ⚡
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